Tips for Using Multiple Sign-in with Google Accounts

A: How to Switch Between Different Google Accounts? Let’s say are signed into two separate Gmail accounts, using multiple sign-in, and would like to switch from one account to another? How do you do this? google multiple signin The popular option is that you click your email address on the Google bar (see the screenshot … Read more

EXTJS Hide Tab Panels

This is for hide the tab Ext.getCmp(tabpanel_id).hideTabStripItem(tabitem_id); This is for show the tab again Ext.getCmp(tabpanel_id).unhideTabStripItem(tabitem_id);

Prime Number Program

function IsPrime($number) { if ($number < 2) { /* We don’t want zero or one showing up as prime */ return FALSE; } for ($i=2; $i<=($number / 2); $i++) { if($number % $i == 0) { /* Modulus operator, very useful */ return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } for($i = 0; $i < 100; … Read more

Categories PHP

change date format very easy in php

If you have date in this 11-07-08 format, you can easily change the date according to you. like this: formatted_date = date(‘Y-m-d’,strtotime($date)); strtotime() returns the unix timestamp and you can use this timestamp in date() and get your date. I hope its help you. Thanks! Enjoy Programming 🙂

Categories PHP

Extjs Send extra param with pagination

bbar: new Ext.PagingToolbar({ pageSize: 6, id: ‘grid-bbar’ , store: store, listeners: { beforechange: function (tb, param) { var section= Ext.getCmp(‘rsection’).getValue(); var section1= Ext.getCmp(‘newID’).getValue(); param[‘section1’] = section1; param[‘section’] = section; } }, displayInfo: true, displayMsg: ‘Displaying topics {0} – {1} of {2}’, emptyMsg: “No topics to display” })