Check this, How to use ExtJs inside React Js Integrating ExtJs in React: A Step-by-Step Guide

Integrating ExtJs in React: A Step-by-Step Guide Reference: Sencha Why Integrate ExtJS with React? Before diving into the integration process, let’s understand why you might want to combine React with ExtJS. ExtJS is renowned for its extensive set of UI components and rich feature set, making it an excellent choice for complex user interfaces. React, … Read more

ExtJS 4 Loading data into form panel from store/model or via form.load

[code] var contactModel = component.contactDetails; Ext.getCmp(‘EditContact_Form’).getForm().loadRecord( contactModel ); OR var form = this.getWebItemForm().getForm(); var data = this.getStore(‘WebItemsForm’).getAt(0); form.loadRecord(data); OR Ext.getCmp(‘patient-form’).getForm().load({ url:’formdata.php’, params:{moduleId:moduleId,action:’doAction’,activity:’getActivePatient’}, success:function(form,action) { var res = action.result; Ext.getCmp(‘patient_count’).setText(; }, failure:function(response) { } }); [/code]

Manipulating datastore data after loading

[php]var restaurantsStore = this.getStore(); var avg_rating; restaurantsStore.clearFilter(); if ( restaurantsStore !== undefined ) { restaurantsStore.load({ callback: function(records, operation, success) { var proxy = restaurantsStore.getProxy(), message = proxy.getReader().rawData.message; if( success === false ){ Ext.Msg.alert(‘Operation Failed’, message); } else{ var vendor = records[0].get(‘vendor’); Ext.getCmp(‘poweredByContainer’).setVendor( vendor ); if( vendor === ‘O’ ){ for ( var index = 0; … Read more

ExtJs dataview refresh problem

[code]Ext.getCmp(dataview id).getStore().load({params:{}}); or Ext.getCmp(dataview id).getStore().reload();[/code] By using this code your dataview automatically be refreshed. [html]NOTE: The response only come in the pure json format[/html] If you will use this in PHP for fetching the data for dataview you must declare $json_data[‘templateItems’][]= $row; in case of no result found. Otherwise your data view not working correctly. … Read more

How to decode json response in ExtJs

//when json response is in this format {“success”:true,”data”:{“id”:11}} Ext.Ajax.request({ url:’connect.php’, params:{moduleId:moduleId, status:’insert’,activity:’save’,action:’doAction’}, success:function(res){ var response = Ext.util.JSON.decode(res.responseText); alert(; } });

EXTJS Hide Tab Panels

This is for hide the tab Ext.getCmp(tabpanel_id).hideTabStripItem(tabitem_id); This is for show the tab again Ext.getCmp(tabpanel_id).unhideTabStripItem(tabitem_id); Thanks!

How i can open a tab from a grid every tab calling dynamic function for items of tab [solved]

Ext.QuickTips.init(); Ext.override(Desktop.ReportsWindow, { createProxy: {}, createWindow: function () { var desktop =; var win = desktop.getWindow(this.moduleId); var app =; var url =; var moduleId = this.moduleId; var myData = [ [‘Diagnosis registry’, ‘Search patients that have a particular diagnosis or ICD9 code.’, ‘diagnosis’], [‘Medication report’, ‘Search patients that have been prescribed a … Read more